Viagra and Alcohol Consumption. Its Effect on Organism

Many men resort to such well-known drug as Canadian Pharmacy Viagra to increase their «men’s power». But quite often it is necessary to take it at the very moment of alcohol consumption. In most cases, alcoholic drinks allow to gain self-confidence, relax, feel «cooler». But is it possible to combine these two substances together, or the choice should be given to one of them? How much is it possible to combine alcohol with components contained in the drug? Does it cause great damage to health and ego?


The fact is that Viagra and alcohol are not a good combination, and their components are not natural and affect the body. All alcoholic drinks pose not a very beneficial effect on the body, so their consumption is not desirable. Doctors also tend to the fact that combination of any medications with ethyl is undesirable. Why is this so important?

Viagra Online and Alcohol

  1. Initially, it may seem that these drugs will not «meet» each other. The fact is that even if not found in stomach, alcohol will slow down drug absorption, and, respectively, the latter will show its effect more slowly.
  2. Ethyl causes a significant damage to central nervous system.
  3. Ethyl damages sexual male system.
  4. Alcohol can easily accumulate in sperm and later will have an adverse effect on cells.
  5. Most often, Canadian healthcare Viagra is prescribed to those who have sexual disorders. If they are present, the question of drinking alcohol cannot even be considered. In most cases, if you take medication with alcohol, there can be either quite a severe reaction to this combination, or alcohol will slow down drug action. In case of generic Viagra, it will definitely slow down the reaction, so you will have to wait for quite a long time.
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Based on the fact that, in principle, both components will affect sexual function, you need to learn a few rules that are important when using two substances at the same time:

  • Combining these two substances is possible, but in rare cases and in low doses. Weakened pills effect by ethanol can last for a long time, so you can expect an unpleasant situation. And it is not that medication is not effective, the reason will lie in taking alcohol.
  • You should think beforehand about what is more important: good health, or theoretical pleasure, which can be not achieved. If the body is not healthy, the pill will have a significant impact on it, alcohol will do the same thing.
  • Rarely, but it happens that such combination may harmfully effect not only an erection but also locomotor system. In this case, no pill will help, and your date will be a failure.
  • As practice shows, for an adult human alcohol dose should not exceed 50 ml of vodka, 250 ml of wine, or 500 ml of beer. In this case, the medication will not have a negative effect on the body, and your mind will be also all right.
  • By no means, it is possible to combine these two substances for people who have high arterial blood pressure and heart diseases. For them, this mixture can result in rather sad consequences, and overdose explicitly threatens to get to the hospital.

Effects of Combination

Whether these substances are compatible, you can learn from what effect the medication will have. The thing is that alcohol acts primarily on heart and helps to increase heart muscle contractions number. In its turn, the pill will enhance blood circulation, so heart muscle will work in emergency mode. On this basis, it is easy to understand that main motor of human’s body will have a double load, so soon we should expect such consequences:

  • sudden headache attacks;
  • flushes, accompanied by facial edema;
  • low blood pressure;
  • general fatigue.
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These symptoms can occur in both healthy people and those who suffer from hypertension or hypotension.

About Viagra Soft New Drug

Many people already know that now a new Canadian Viagra version – «Soft» is available for sale. It differs in that it is much softer in its action. The pill is placed under the tongue and dissolved. The point is that in this place there is a sufficiently large number of blood vessels, so the effect will occur much more quickly. However, this drug can be combined with a small amount of alcohol, there will be no harmful effect on the body, and the date will go well.

There are rules that will concern a wide variety of the drug. When planning taking it during a party, it is worth considering that fatty foods can slow down its action by a third. And in order to get full medicine effect, you must minimize alcohol and fatty foods amount consumed. Then it will be easier to get what you want, and not worry about your health.

Viagra Side Effects

viagraMen, who are thinking of taking Viagra Canadian Pharmacy, need to know in advance about its side effects. What is possible to get here?

  1. Sense organs disorders: pronounced vision deterioration, color perception change, hypersensitivity to bright light may occur.
  2. Some experience such symptoms as heaviness in stomach or discomfort after meals.
  3. There are fainting, dizziness or headaches.
  4. Allergies, which often take the form of common cold.

These signs suggest that Canadian healthcare Viagra is a drug that can not be used without consulting a doctor. This medication must be appointed by a doctor who will check body condition and positively answer the question of the drug reception. Otherwise, you can not only not get the desired effect, but also harm your body bad enough, and later will have to fight all the signs that appeared while taking the pill.

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Of course, it is necessary to take into account what stated in preparation instruction for use. It says quite clearly that you can not take Canadian Viagra after a large dose of alcohol. In this case, really considerable volumes are meant. The fact is that in this case side effects risk will increase by several times. There is also said that a large amount of alcohol together with generic Viagra can cause arterial blood pressure decrease. In this case, hospitalization is not excluded, not a bright and unforgettable night, which was originally planned.

In general, every man has to understand that if he is planning to spend a bright night, it is desirable to completely give up alcohol. Of course, a glass of wine during the evening will not have much impact on medication action, but still, it is not worth risking. Because Canadian healthcare Viagra is originally acquired in order to demonstrate your «power» to partner. Alcohol, in this case, is simply unacceptable. And it is worth considering that pills are not cheap, so is it worth buying them, if alcohol will completely destroy their effect? Then, such purchase will be unjustified, and date will go not as planned.

All content of Canadian Health and Care Mall website is designed for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication – each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor shouldn’t use these or other drugs and treatment methods. Be healthy with Canadian Health&Care Mall!

Erectile Dysfunction Canadian Health and Care Mall, Canadian Viagra, erection, Men’s Health