Does Your Weight Keep Piling On No Matter What? Discover How To Lose Weight Without Dieting Gastric Band Hypnotherapy

Gastric band hypnosis can help you achieve your weight loss goals effortlessly and effectively without the need for dieting, exercise or surgery.

We use a unique combination of tools of NLP, TFT & Hypnotherapy to ensure people have complete control over their eating habits in a single 3 hour intensive hypnotherapy treatment.

After an initial free phone consultation you could break free from your old eating habits.

I wanted someone that had all the crudentials and I took alot of comfort in knowing that Adam also use to run weight loss seminars with Paul McKenna. After my 3 hour session, the benefits have been so much more than just weight loss. Thank you Adam. Susan Blithe

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Perhaps you have considered gastric band surgery? It will help control your portion sizes and help you eat less without the need for fad diets.

Actually, gastric band surgery brings with it a lot of problems. These can include:

  • Pain
  • Recovery time
  • Sick leave
  • Infection
  • Collapse lung potential
  • cost up to £8,000
  • Cost doubled if tightening
  • Risk of pneumonia
  • Urinary track infections
  • Bleeding
  • Bowel obstruction
  • leakage of bowel connections
  • Transient hair loss

Lose weight safely and quickly

Gastric band surgery is costly, dangerous and not always successful, but with gastric band hypnotherapy, you can lose pound after pound, inches after inches, all without feeling hungry. It will give you the same benefits of a gastric band without all of the problems.

See also  About Adam

Take back control of your eating

On top of that, gastric band hypnotherapy for losing weight finds and eliminates the thoughts inside you that make you overeat in the first place.

Over-eating is not just a hunger problem; it’s also an emotional problem. Some people will eat to reward themselves or they’ll eat when they’re upset or stressed or even out of boredom. Gastric band hypnotherapy can change that. It will delve deep into your core and eliminate the need for you to overeat.

Gastric band hypnosis by Adam was such a deep profound and unforgetable experience. You saved my life. Thank you.
Nina Bennet – Banking


Gastric band hypnosis will give you the keys to success by helping you take control. You will discover the tools you need to keep the weight off and you will no longer feel forced to exercise. It will no longer become a chore, you will actually want to do it!

The most successful form of weight loss today is by hypnosis and in particular, gastric band hypnosis because it treats your subconscious and teaches you to ignore the triggers that usually make you eat.

How does a hypnotic gastric band work?

The gastric band hypnotherapy session is tailored to you and the process involves convincing your subconscious mind that a gastric band has been fitted. Gastric band hypnosis works by making you believe that the size of your stomach has reduced and as a result you will eat less and feel full more quickly.

This means that you can lose weight naturally and easily without undergoing actual gastric band surgery. Gastric Band Hypnosis works by making you believe that you have had a Gastric Band fitted. The imagenery band is placed into your stomach at a subconscious level during the hypnotherapy session.

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This will change your eating habits, making you eat smaller portions and allowing you to leave food on your plate.

A healthier you

If you want exceptional results, if you want to lose weight, feel better about yourself and take back control of your eating habits then we invite you to pick up the phone and book a FREE Phone Consultation via 020 7586 9350 or complete the small blue form below.  I know how it feels to have weight issues as I too use to have a huge problem many years ago but there is a way to break free.

Dear Adam, Thank you for your empathy and compassion. I feel lighter in so many ways.  This imagenary band really works. You have inspired me so much.
Sandra Willows – Busy mum of 3 kids

It’s up to you to change the way you look and the way you feel.  Hypnotic Gastric Bands are currently getting huge press around the world and even executives at the NHS are recommending our services to their patients.  I look forward to speaking with you personally and helping you move forward as a thinner, happier you.

Praise From Our Clients

I now feel more me

After reading numerous published articles on hypnotic gastric bands I decided I wanted the treatment. I was aware that the best therapists were based in Harley Street London where I discovered Adam.

He seemed to understand the challenges I was having at a very deep level. I had just the one session at 3hours 15 minutes and walked out of his clinic feeling lighter mentally.

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That was 9 months ago. I have lost 5 stone so far. The thing is Adam made me feel different about myself – Not changed me – But rather has opened me up so I can be even more me. A deep and heartfelt thank you.

Jessica Wade – Housewife

No need for gastric band surgery

After plucking up the confidence to talk with Adam, I decided to go ahead with the 3 hour gastric band hypnotherapy session.

I felt so empowered when I left the clinic and that feeling as only grew over the coming months whilst my body shrunk. Brilliant. Thank you Adam.

Samantha Jones – City Executive

Hypnotic stomach band by Adam

What an uplifting experience.  I genueinely was going to have gastric band surgery which scared me due to the potential multiple complications but Adam’s imagenary band saved me in more ways than one.

Tina Green – Primary School Teacher