2005 USA Master 5 km Cross Country Championships

Sunday , October 16, 2005

Saratoga Spa State Park

Saratoga Springs, New York

USA MASTERS 5 KMUSATF Adirondack Association and the Adirondack Athletic Club are proud to host the 2005 USA Masters 5 km Cross Country Championships in conjunction with the Saratoga National Bank Open 5km Cross Country Classic. We are eagerly anticipating competition from a multitude of USATF Associations, and have prepared this brochure for your information and registration. Please visit www.usatfadir.org and/or www.saratoganational.com for updated information on the Saratoga National Bank Cross Country Classic and the Masters Cross Country Championships.

Register Online: www.usatfadir.org/USAMasters5k.htm

Entry Fee: $25

Last Chance Registration Fee: $40 (October 15)

Mail-in and Online Registrations must be received on or before October 10th. Entry Fees are Non Refundable

To enter the Championships online, you will be required to provide your 2005 USATF membership number and password.

Event Shirt: A long sleeve performance wicking material shirt is available to each registrant for an extra $15 fee. Limit one shirt per registrant at $15. Additional shirts and those sold to non-registrants are $20 each. Only a small quantity of sizes small and extra large will be available.

Host Hotel:

The Fairfield Inn Suites off of exit 12 on I87. 101 Saratoga Village Boulevard, Malta, New York 12020

For reservations call:(866) 368-6900 or (518) 899-6900 http://marriott.com/property/propertypage/ALBAM

$129/night – 2 double beds or 1 king bed

$149/night king suite – one king bed & one pull out double sofa bed.

See also  Home

Please make reservations before room release date of September 23rd. A Hospitality Room will be open to all masters competitors from Noon until 6pm on Saturday, where championship bib pick-up and directions to race site will be available.

For additional hotels around Saratoga, visit The Saratoga Convention and Tourism Bureau website at www.discoversaratoga.org.

For more information call: (518) 584-1531.

Albany area hotel: Clarion Hotel of Albany, 3 Watervliet Ave, Albany NY 12206. Exit 5 on I-90. (518) 438-8431. www.clarionhotelalbany.com $99 for up to 2 adults (children under 18 stay free). Deluxe continental breakfast and full use of facility is included. for a virtual course tour.

Course: Race starts and finishes on the wide grass area between the Spa Little Theater and Hall of Springs parking lot. This championship course is a combination of flat and hilly, open and wooded trails that wind through the Saratoga Spa State Park in Saratoga Springs, NY. Please visit http://www.padded-cell.com/racing for a virtual course tour.

Directions: Exit 13N off I87, 2 miles North on Route 9, turn left at Second State Park Entrance. Follow signs.

Last Chance Registration and Pre Race Check In – October 15: is at the Host Hotel, the Fairfield Inn & Suites, 101 Saratoga Village Boulevard Malta, New York 12020 (exit 12 on I87). A Hospitality Room will be open on Saturday noon to 6pm.

Day of Race Check In: starts at 8:00 am in the State Park Administration Building next to the Little Spa Theater. Parking and restrooms are available, and refreshments will be served after the race.

USATF Membership: 2005 USATF membership is required for competition in this Championship. If you are not a 2005 USATF member, please visit www.usatf.org/membership/ to register for or renew membership.

See also  Results

Awards: Regulation USATF medals will be awarded to first, second, and third place Individuals in each five-year age division, starting at 40-44* and to the scoring members of the first, second and third place teams** in each team division. Only US citizens are allowed to win USATF medals and other Championship awards, including prize money, or to score on a team. The Championships will be conducted in accordance with USATF Rules of Competition.

Schedule of Events:

  • 10:00 am– Open 5k Cross Country Classic
  • 11:00 am– USA Masters Men 40-49
  • 11:30 am– USA Masters Men 50-59
  • 12:00 pm– USA Masters Women (all)
  • 12:45 pm– USA Masters Men 60+

Prize Money Breakdown:

Individual Age Graded

1st 2nd 3rd
Men $125 $75 $50
Women $125 $75 $50


Division 1st 2nd 3rd
Men 5 score 40-49 $350 $200 $100
5 score 50-59 $350 $200 $100
3 score 60-69 $175 $100
3 score 70-79 $175
Women 3 score 40-49 $200 $150 $100
3 score 50-59 $200 $150 $100
3 score 60-69 $175
3 score 70-79 $175

Health Services: On site race day health care services will include Emergency Medical Service, certified athletic trainer, chiropractic care and massage therapy. Services will be available throughout race day. Consult race packet information for further details.

Protests***: Protests concerning eligibility of competitors or team members should be made to Rob Picotte at rpicotte@nycap.rr.com prior to race day. Please check the USATF AA website at www.usatfadir.org/USAMasters5k.htm on Tuesday, October 11 for a full listing of registered individuals and teams.

Protests relating to matters which developed during the conduct of the competition must be made to the Referee at once and not later than 24 hours after a result has been announced.

See also  Message

*The age of the competitor on the day of the race determines the age division.
**A runner may compete in a younger age division as a team member.
*** Protest should be submitted in writing with a check for $25. The $25 will be refunded upon investigation of the protest, if it is deemed appropriate.


  • All female teams declare up to 5 members and score the top 3 finishers
  • Male 40-49 teams and Male 50-59 teams declare up to 8 members and score the top 5 finishers
  • Male 60-69 and Male 70 teams declare up to 5 members and score the top 3 finishers
  • Teams will be scored by place
  • Team entry forms must be received by October 8, 2005
  • Only US Citizens may score for the team