Top 10 Beauty Tips for Long and Healthy Hair

To keep your hair healthy and beautiful, you need to follow these important rules.

The fairytale heroine Rapunzel had long, beautiful and shiny hair. It is difficult to imagine how a girl took care of strands, the length of which reached 21 meters. After all, in order for the hair to be beautiful and healthy, certain rules must be followed. Today, we reveal all the secrets.

Top 10 Beauty Tips for Long and Healthy Hair

1. Use shampoo for your hair type

Not all of us choose shampoos that match our hair type. So, owners of oily hair can use shampoos for dry ones, and vice versa. It is very important to look at the labeling on the product packaging so as not to harm the scalp and hair.

Shampoos for oily hair contain ingredients designed to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, reduce the amount of sebum secreted so that the hair is beautiful and has a healthy shine. The line for oily hair may contain plant extracts, vitamins, zinc.

If you use these products for dry hair, then they greatly over-dry the scalp, cause itching, redness and irritation, and make the hair brittle.

There are special lines for dry hair with a corresponding mark. They contain nourishing, moisturizing and moisture-retaining components – oils, panthenol, vitamins.

For normal hair, you should choose lines with appropriate markings, not overloaded with nourishing and drying components.

2. If you often dye your hair, use a line for colored hair

In the process of dyeing, hair scales rise, through which the color is subsequently washed out faster. The task of the shampoo and conditioner in this case is to smooth the scales in order to preserve the color for a longer time.

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Only lines for colored hair can handle this front of work. They have a pH close to the pH of the scalp, contain polymers, proteins, sun protection factor, which envelop the hair, smooth scales, and protect against the harmful effects of tap water and the sun. Experts recommend using special lines for two weeks after staining.

3. Apply a balm rinse after shampooing

Conditioners care and nourish, cover the hair scales, making it smooth, and facilitate the process of combing. Also, we recommend using professional products for hair growth, such as Empress Haircare solution, R+Co Crown Scalp Scrub, Harklinikken Restorative Shampoo, ColorProof BioRepair-8 Thickening Blow Dry Spray.

4. Do not apply conditioner, masks and hair oils to the roots

All of these products are an active nutrient medium. When applied to the roots, they clog pores, disrupt scalp respiration and, as a result, make hair brittle. It is recommended to apply balms, oils and masks in small amounts from the ends to the middle – if the hair is thick and porous; if it is thin and brittle – apply balms, oils and masks only to the ends.

An exception to the rule is products with a special mark – “apply to the hair roots and along the entire length.” As a rule, such markings can be found on the reconstructing masks.

5. Observe the temperature regime

If you wash your hair with hot or very warm water, this can lead to dire consequences. This temperature regime thinns the protective lipid layer and activates the sebaceous glands in the oily scalp. Accordingly, the hair will get dirty faster. Hot water dries up the dry scalp, causing irritation.

The ideal temperature for water procedures is body temperature – 36-37 degrees. After using the conditioner, rinse your head with cool water. Such a contrast shower will smooth the hair cuticle, make the strands more obedient.

6. Wash your hair on a schedule

Some owners of oily hair write on forums that frequent shampooing provokes the release of sebum and makes the hair even oilier, so you need to wash your hair 1-2 times a week.

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However, it is not true. The head should be washed as it gets dirty, with-out adhering to clear rules. The fact is that sebum, together with styling products, forms a film on the scalp. It clogs pores, interfering with the normal circulation of oxygen and blood in the scalp, which can contribute to thinning and hair loss.

7. Do not brush or wrap wet hair in a towel

If the hair gets wet, it becomes very brittle. Inadvertent strokes with the comb can break your hair, disrupt its growth, or even pull out by the roots.

As for a turban made of towels, which many people love to wrap on their heads after a shower, this is also an undesirable procedure: it disrupts blood circulation and skin respiration and can also contribute to hair breakage. After washing the strands, it is advisable to lightly squeeze out excess water, then wrap it in a towel for a few minutes, and not walk around the apartment with it for half an hour.

8. Don’t use baby shampoos

A new fashion trend is being actively discussed in various forums. It concerns cosmetics for children – in particular, shampoos, which are recommended for use by adults. “They make hair soft, ideal for sensitive scalp, do not cause irritation, do not contain harmful substances,” – written in one of the messages.

However, forum participants do not know about some of the nuances. The acidity level of the scalp of an adult differs from the scalp of a child; moreover, the substances contained in shampoos for babies are not designed to wash the hair of an adult. In addition, such products will not protect the colored strands from color washout. It is best for adults to use cosmetics specially designed for them.

9. Massage your head periodically

You can make your hair thick and healthy if you do a head massage at least once a day, half an hour after a shower. This process accelerates blood circulation in the scalp, enhances nutrition and hair growth.

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Begin to massage the head from the neck in circular motions, from the place where hair growth begins, gradually moving along the entire head.

A banal combing is also considered a head massage. Comb your hair up to 5 times a day, less often wear tight bunches and braids, high tails – these hairstyles disrupt blood circulation in the scalp.

10. Eat a healthy diet

Of course, in order for your hair to be beautiful and healthy, you need to pay attention to your diet. Experts recommend adding to the menu:

  • Salmon. This product is enriched with protein and vitamin D, contains omega-3 fatty acids – essential elements for healthy hair, which are their constituent. If you do not like salmon, then you will find these components in herring, sardines, trout, mackerel, avocado, pumpkin seeds;
  • Walnuts. A treasure trove of omega-3 fatty acids. They contain biotin and vitamin E, which protect skin cells from damage by the sun’s rays. Walnuts also contain copper, a mineral that helps maintain natural hair color and makes it shiny;
  • Oysters. They contain zinc and proteins, the low content of which in the body can contribute to hair loss. If you don’t like oysters, beef or eggs can serve as a substitute;
  • Sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of the antioxidant beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Low levels can lead to dry scalp. Carrots, cantaloupes, mangoes, pumpkins, and apricots are also excellent sources of beta-carotene;
  • Eggs. A source of protein, zinc, selenium, sulfur and iron. Iron helps cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles, and a small percentage of this mineral in the body is one of the main causes of hair loss. Chicken, fish, pork, beef are also rich in iron;
  • Spinach. A storehouse of iron, beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C. Essential elements for the health of hair follicles. They are also found in broccoli, cabbage, and chard;
  • Lentils and soybeans. These legumes are rich in protein, iron, zinc and biotin;
  • Yogurt, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, skim milk. They contain protein, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid – a substance that can often be seen on the label of hair care products) and vitamin D. These elements protect hair from solar radiation and stimulate hair growth;
  • Blueberries. A source of vitamin C, which improves blood circulation in the scalp, nourishes the hair follicles, and prevents hair breakage;
  • Poultry and lean beef. They contain valuable protein, zinc, iron and B vitamins. These are essential building materials for our hair.
News care about hair, Hair, hair care products, hair health