Best Natural Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

How to Increase Potency in a Natural Way

The best treatment is prevention. It’s better to prevent the disease than to treat it. This fully applies to erectile dysfunction. The correct healthy diet will help avoid or eliminate the first signs of erectile dysfunction.

How to Increase Potency Naturally?

Protein products with a small amount of fat are especially useful for men with erectile dysfunction. These include:

  • lean meat – rabbit, chicken, turkey, beef, lean lamb;
  • fish caviar;
  • legumes and herbs (greens) belonging to this family;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • eggs;
  • low-fat and unsalted cheese;
  • fish (mostly marine).

In addition to protein products, it is recommended to use spicy herbs, vegetables (pumpkin, including zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin seeds), rice, cereals.

Limit quick carbohydrates at least for the duration of treatment. These include baking, cakes, sweets, etc. Exception – chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa, it increases the level of endorphin (a hormone of happiness), which has a positive effect on mood and can serve as a medicine (if erectile dysfunction is caused by stress).

Vegetables, fruits, and fresh greens are beneficial for the treatment of impotence. Onions, garlic, coriander, spinach – every product from this list has always been known as a natural remedy for impotence. Include spices, ginger, bitter and sweet peppers in your male diet.

Watch a video describing how to make a natural Viagra at home to overcome sexual weakness:

As soon as you switch to healthy nutrition, you will notice a systematic and stable improvement in erection and sexual desire. If this does not happen, or the method does not work fast enough, try to restore male potency using other methods, such as oral medications from Canadian Health and Care Mall.

See also  Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Vegetarianism and impotence

Since ancient times, vegetarian foods have been used as an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. Natural remedies for this ailment have been used both before and now. The root of parsnip is added as a spice to various dishes, and the seeds of this plant are infused and taken for the treatment of erectile disorders.

Vegetarian dishes contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements. The protein in plant and animal foods has an identical effect on the body. A large amount of protein is contained in legumes and nuts.

Nuts, pumpkin seeds and honey are very useful for men’s health. Experts in traditional medicine say that taking carrot juice with honey for a month completely cures erectile dysfunction at the initial stage.

Overweight can have a bad effect on potency. With the help of proper nutrition, a man normalizes his weight. For men, BMI (body mass index) is normally between 23 and 25.

Top 4 Natural Remedies for Male Potency

  1. St. John’s Wort is a famous aphrodisiac. To make the tincture, you need to pour 250 ml of boiling water into 10 gr of chopped herb. Leave the infusion for 40-50 minutes. Drink 100 ml three times a day before meals;
  2. Walnut contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for increasing testosterone. To test the effectiveness of this remedy, you only need to consume 15 daily walnuts a day in three divided doses. For better results, drink it with 200 ml of goat’s milk;
  3. Onion – It does not matter if you eat fresh onions or use infusion. To prepare the infusion, you will need 3 medium sized bulbs. Finely chopped onions should be added to 450 ml of boiling water and left for 40 minutes. Drink 100 ml three times a day;
  4. Honey balm – Prepare 250 grams of chopped aloe leaves, add the same amount of honey. Mix the ingredients well and cover with a dense lid. Infuse in the refrigerator for about 7 days. The ready tincture is taken three times a day before meals for at least four weeks. Start with 5 ml and increase the dose to 15 ml. After a 7-day break, you can again resort to such treatment.
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Phytotherapy as a way to eliminate erectile dysfunction

This method of strengthening the male sexual function is the oldest method, which is at least several hundred years old. You will need herbs that you can easily use at home. In addition, beekeeping products may be required. In a word, traditional medicine offers a wide variety of recipes.

In most cases, any natural remedy for erectile dysfunction treatment is a drink – tea, broth, tincture or water infusion. In this case, the treatment of potency with medicinal herbs should last at least a month, and before you use this method of therapy, you need to find out the causes of erectile dysfunction. Only knowing the reason, you can choose the most suitable method of complex ED therapy.

With the inflammatory nature of impotence, emphasis should be made on normalizing blood circulation and restoring tissues. Use herbs with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and regenerating effect, and take the broth during the day in small doses. Also, candles with honey or propolis will be a useful remedy.

Erectile problems have been known since ancient times, even when there was no official medicine. Natural remedies combined with medical products prescribed by a specialist after the examination of the patient will help get rid of erectile dysfunction and get a lasting effect. The only drawback in treating impotence with natural remedies is that recovery is gradual. You will need patience since sometimes the treatment can last 6-12 months.

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